hrp0097p1-180 | Sex Differentiation, Gonads and Gynaecology, and Sex Endocrinology | ESPE2023

Clinical, radiological and laboratory characteristics of thelarche variant: a retrospective analysis

Tamaro Gianluca , Lorenzon Beatrice , Burlo Francesca , Peinkhofer Martina , Faleschini Elena , Tornese Gianluca

Background: ‘Thelarche variant’ (TV), also known as ‘unsustained/slowly progressive puberty’ or ‘exaggerated thelarche’, is a term used to describe girls with premature thelarche and intermediate features between isolated premature thelarche (PT) and central precocious puberty (CPP). Despite being characterized by a FSH predominant response and by a peak LH response <5 IU/L to GnRH test, a univocal definition is lacking.<...